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Should You Ask for a Promotion?


Are you frustrated with your current position at work? Would you like to advance in your company? If you would like to do so, you may be interested in asking for a promotion. The question is, should you?

When it comes to determining if you should ask for a promotion, it is something that you may not want to do on impulse. Asking from a promotion can work in your favor but there are no guarantees. A promotion request can cause no change or it can cause you harm. For that reason there are a number of factors that you will first want to take into consideration before you ask your boss for a promotion.

One of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration, when determining if you should inquire about a promotion, is an open position. If you want to be promoted, do you even know if there is an open position or one that will soon open? This alone can improve your chances of receiving a promotion as they often say that timing is everything. What you will want to do is keep your eyes and ears open. If you hear of any open positions in your company or if you see job listings online or in your local newspaper, you may want to consider asking your supervisor for a promotion.

Your length of employment is another factor that should be taken into consideration before you make a decision about asking for a promotion. While there are no guarantees, your chances of receiving a promotion are higher with long-term employment. Many companies like to promote from within as well as promote those who have been with the company for an extended period of time. A short employment term doesn’t mean that you can’t ask for a promotion but it is just one of the many factors that you will want to take into consideration.


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