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Amazing Knowledge is a blog containing astounding facts to improve your general knowledge. World facts, technology, mysteries, fun facts, ...and interesting information for living.


If everybody knew, it wouldn't be a secret.

Mostly, it's not so much "secret" as "little-known" information. Experts are often willing to share their discoveries with people who are interested.


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Sometimes, all you need is a little basic information about something to get a general idea of what it's about. Knowing a little can lead to an unlimited amout of knowledge.


Sometimes a little bit of help is all you need.

You already have a good idea about what you're doing? ...but you're willing to hear additional options and shortcuts? Find this and more right here!

Free Steps to Making Money Online


Google will decide what advertisements show on your site based on the content it finds within. You need to be aware that Google will decline your application if your site is not considered to have content. Nobody outside of Google knows the precise rules on this. Once you have been accepted you get a javascript from Google to add to you site. Copy this & then log in to your blog and add the code. You might need to know a little bit of HTML to find the right location to paste your code. With a little experimentation you will figure it out. I suggest the ads be seen when the site loads but should not be too obvious or dominate your site.

4. Write more content. Try to keep your content coming at regular intervals as a number of directories will check on your site at regular intervals and the smarter ones will visit on a schedule based on your update schedule. They will probably determine this within hours after your first post.

5. Submit your site to blog and rss directories. Sometimes when you make a new entry they are automatically notified. Others you will need to manually submit to, some of which will require a link on your site to theirs. You can add links to your template. For a list of directories to get you started try searching Google.

6. Keep writing interesting content. Ideally you want people to come back again and again. As with customers its harder to get a new visitor than to keep existing visitors. So make it interesting, in fact make it so interesting that they can’t help but tell all their friends about it also.


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